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California High PTSA

California High PTSA
2024-2025 PTSA Officers:

2024-2025 PTSA Officers:

Position: Name:
President Heidi Ellicott-Pesic
1st Vice President, Family Engagement Julie Blinston
2nd Vice President, Legislation Ravneet Julka
Secretary Rema Chazbek
Treasurer Vivek Devarajan
Financial Reviewer Dan Fresorger
Historian Gunpreet Kaur
Navigating Communications and Advocating for Your Student

PTSA Presentation:
Navigating Communications and Advocating for Your Student


Name of Unit:  California High PTSA
PTA Council:  San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs
PTA District:  32nd District
California State PTA ID#:  2734
National PTA ID#:  00011773
Tax ID#:  68-0002426

The California High Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) was organized in 1983 and is a member of the San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs, the 32nd District PTA, the California PTA, and the National PTA. We strive to support and speak on behalf of all children and youth in our school and in our community. We promote opportunities for parents to address the needs of high school students and we foster a positive partnership between parents, teachers, students, and the community.


The goals of the California High PTSA are:
  • foster communication and collaboration between home and school
  • support a welcoming and inclusive school community
  • encourage life-long learning and well-being for parents, students, and staff
  • inform our parent community about legislation that benefits all children
We invite all California High School parents, students, and teachers to join and become involved in our PTSA. There are many opportunities to make a difference in our school and community!
All parents, staff, students, and community members are encouraged to join the California High PTSA.


Questions? Please email Cal High PTSA at Thank you!


  • Bear Facts Newsletter
  • Celebrating Campus Arts 
  • Exceptional Education 
  • Senior Grad Night
  • Health & Wellness
  • Honorary Service Awards
  • Hospitality/Staff Appreciation
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • Legislative Info and Action
  • Membership & Registration
  • Memory Brick Fundraiser
  • Parent Education
  • Reflections Art Program
  • Scholarships
  • Sister School-Michelle Obama Elementary
  • Social Media
  • Site Council Liaison
  • SRVEF Run for Education


  • Facebook California High PTSA
  • Twitter @calhighptsa
  • Instagram @calhighptsa
PTSA's Weekly Newsletter

PTSA's Weekly Newsletter


Bear Facts is our weekly newsletter for Cal High. Articles include information from Cal High, Cal High student/parent organizations, SRVUSD, and PTSA. The Bear Facts is your reliable and trusted news source, directly in your weekly email box.
If you didn't receive the Bear Facts email last year or are not receiving it now [emailed out Monday morning of each week], then click on the link below to join the PTA email list or update your profile.
Be sure to check the box for California HS in order to receive the weekly Bear Facts and communications directly from Cal High.


Bear Facts only publishes information provided by Cal High PTSA, Cal High School Admin and Staff, Cal High Boosters, Organizations and Clubs, SRVCPTA, and SRVUSD that concern our students and community. We cannot publish information from outside organizations that are not approved by the Council of PTAs, SRVUSD or our Cal High School administrators. We are not permitted to advertise. Thank you for your understanding.
If you would like to more information contact our Bear Facts editor, Betsy Horvath at
  • Bear Facts articles are due by Thursdays at 8 pm
  • Articles should be worded exactly as you want them in the Bear Facts and should be brief. To keep it brief but still contain all the information needed, you can include a link that will provide more detailed information.
PTSA's General Association Meetings

PTSA's General Association Meetings

PTSA Association Meetings

All Cal High community members are welcome (students and adults). However, only PTSA members can vote. 
WHEN: The Second Monday of the Month from 6 pm to 8 pm, unless noted otherwise
LOCATION: Cal High Library, unless stated otherwise
Sample Association Meeting Agenda:
  • Call to Order and Welcome (PTSA President)
  • Presentation: KEYNOTE (invited speaker)
  • PTSA Association Business
Cal High Reports
  • Principals Report (Principal and/or Assistant Principal)
  • Teacher/Staff Report (Teacher Representative)
  • Student leader Report (Student Representative)
  • Academic Boosters (Booster President)* 
  • Cal Athletic Boosters (Booster President)* 
  • Drama Boosters (Booster President)* 
  • Instrumental Music Boosters (Booster President)*
Cal High PTSA Business and Reports
  • President's Report
  • Minutes (Secretary)
  • Financials (Treasurer) 
  • Membership (Registration & Membership chair)
  • Historian#
  • Auditor#
  • Officers and Committee Reports#
  • VP Family and Parent Engagement *
  • VP Legislation *
  • Communications:  Bear Facts *
  • Exceptional Education*
  • Hospitality/Staff Appreciation *
  • Inclusion and Diversity *
  • Memory Brick *
  • Grad Night*
  • Reflections*
  • Run for Education*
  • Scholarships*
  • Sister School*
  • Health & Wellness*
  • Social Media* 
  • Honorary Service Awards
  • Adjourn
*Reports only when a representative is present at the meeting
#Reports only when needed at certain designated meetings