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2024-2025 PTSA General Association Meeting Dates

2024-2025 PTSA General Association Meeting Dates

  • 8/19/2024
  • 9/9/2024
  • 10/14/2024
  • 11/18/2024
  • 1/13/2025
  • 2/10/2025
  • 3/10/2025
  • 4/14/2025
  • 5/12/2025
PTSA Meetings take place in the Cal High Library and begin at 6:30pm unless otherwise stated.
PTSA's General Association Meetings

PTSA's General Association Meetings

PTSA Association Meetings

All Cal High community members are welcome (students and adults). However, only PTSA members can vote. 
WHEN: Unless otherwise noted, the Second Monday of the Month from 6:30 pm to 8 pm.
LOCATION: Cal High Library, unless stated otherwise
Sample Association Meeting Agenda:
  • Call to Order and Welcome (PTSA President)
  • Presentation: KEYNOTE (invited speaker)
  • PTSA Association Business
Cal High Reports
  • Principals Report (Principal and/or Assistant Principal)
  • Teacher/Staff Report (Teacher Representative)
  • Student leader Report (Student Representative)
  • Academic Boosters (Booster President)
  • Cal Athletic Boosters (Booster President)
  • Drama Boosters (Booster President)
  • Instrumental Music Boosters (Booster President)
Cal High PTSA Business and Reports (may include the following):
  • President's Report
  • Minutes (Secretary)
  • Financials (Treasurer) 
  • Membership (Registration & Membership chair)
  • Historian
  • Financial Reviewer
  • Officers and Committee Reports
  • VP Family and Parent Engagement 
  • VP Legislation
  • Communications
  • Exceptional Education
  • Hospitality/Staff Appreciation
  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Memory Brick
  • Grad Night
  • Reflections
  • Run for Education
  • Scholarships
  • Sister School
  • Health, Safety & Wellness
  • Honorary Service Awards/Recognition