We invite our Cal High community of parents, students, staff and community members to join the Cal High PTSA at any time. By joining Cal High PTSA you show your support of our goals and help fund our programs. Membership gives you the option to have your vote count at our monthly PTSA meetings. Membership does not obligate you to attend meetings or to volunteer unless you are interested in participating.
Types of memberships are listed below:
Adult Grizzly: $16
1 Adult membership (for a parent, grandparent, community member, or any other interested adult)
Student Grizzly: $10
1 Student membership (Any senior student applying for a PTA or PTSA scholarship must be a student PTSA member. The parent/adult membership will not count.)
Cal High Staff Grizzly: $8
1 membership for any Cal High Staff
PTSA Donation - Any Amount greatly appreciated!
To join or donate, go to the Cal High Future Fund Store and select the correct option for you or write a check to Cal High PTSA, 9870 Broadmoor Drive, San Ramon (to avoid electronic fees).
For questions, please contact us at or PTSA President, Heidi Ellicott, at

PTSA programs are entirely supported by volunteers and your generous donations!