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Registrar's Office

 Non District Course (NDC) Program

Please make sure to read all of the policies, requirements, and term deadlines for NDC Courses before enrolling in a course.  The Registrar cannot verify courses.  SRVUSD Non District Course Information for Advancement and Graduation Fulfillment
This is a three step process.  All steps must be completed before the term deadline in order for your course to be considered transferable to your High School transcript.
  1. Non District Course Intent Application . (For summer coursework for 2025-26 school year. Deadline to submit the application is June 10th, 2025) 
  2. Application to Place Credit form. (NOTE- Paper Copies of "Application to Place Credit" will not be accepted.)
  3. Submission of your Official NDC Transcript from the institution to the Registrar's office by the deadline. (Transcripts emailed from a student/parent are not considered official and will not be accepted.)
Transcripts can be sent via fax, email or postal mail.
Check here to see if your NDC transcript has been received and if the NDC credits have been added to Cal High transcript.

Enroll Your Student

To enroll a student, complete an online enrollment application and then contact the Registrar
Next School Year: Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open. To enroll a student, complete an online enrollment application.The first day of the 2025-26 school year is Wednesday, August 13, 2025

UN-Enroll Your Student

To UN-enroll from California HS, please complete this un-enrollment form 
1. Return any textbooks. Books borrowed from the textbook room / library. 
2. Return Technology- Chrome book/ Hotspot etc. as the case may be
Textbook- Ms. Joan Accomazzo;; 925-803-3285
Once I receive this form, I will begin the withdrawal process, which typically takes 24 hours. We will follow up with your new school to transfer the complete academic file upon receipt of a request for records. 
Please be advised - all dues should be cleared, before CHS can share the withdrawal grades/transcript and transfer records with the new school. 

NDC Transcripts

*Submit all NDC transcripts directly from the Institution to Mrs. Battu at Cal High via email, fax or mail
Deadlines For 2024-2025
  • By Friday, May 23, 2025: for students wishing to put a Spring 2025 NDC onto their SRVUSD transcript.  For community college courses whose term i​s later in May, the deadline is extended to May 30, 2025(applies to 9-11th grade students only)
Deadlines For 2025-2026
For current eighth grade students wishing to put a NDC on their high school transcript, the course must have been completed after June 5, 2025
  • Deadline to submit the Summer Advancement transcript - Monday August 11, 2025 - Official transcripts are due to your high school counseling office.  Alternatively, If the institution offers an email option to send it directly to school, this is acceptable and will be considered an official copy. (Transcripts emailed from a student/parent are not considered official.)  
  • By Friday, September 5, 2025: for students wishing to put a Summer 2025 NDC onto their SRVUSD transcript

  • By Friday, January 16, 2026: for students wishing to put a Fall 2025 NDC onto their SRVUSD transcript

  • Spring 2026 NDC - TBD
No Late submissions accepted.
NDC transcripts from previous terms and years, that were not submitted to the CHS Registrar by their term deadlines, cannot be submitted after the fact, to post to the CHS transcript. You may "self-report"  the course on your college applications for full credit and GPA 
Talk to your counselor for more information on "self-reporting" courses.

Courses Posted on CHS Transcript

Summer courses
Seniors: by September 15th
Juniors: by October 15th
Sophomores: by November 15th
Freshmen: by December 15th 
Fall courses
Seniors: by mid-January
All other grades: by late February 
Spring courses
Seniors: by late May
All other grades: by mid-June
Vinita Battu
Vinita Battu - Registrar            
Phone: (925) 803-3200
Fax:  (925) 828-1054

Education Verification

If you are an Employer or Verification company and need education verification, please email or fax the form or document to the Registrar. 



All Students: Available for $5 from the CHS Future Fund Store. Transcripts will not be released without payment and all steps need to be completed. 

  1. Copy of Future Fund receipt
  2. Picture of photo ID
  3. Complete this form

Once your order is complete, send the following to Be advised SRVUSD does not use Parchment and the on site USPS mail pickup is limited from June 1- August 1 due to which your transcripts may be delayed.  


Transcript orders are processed in 5-7 business days.