- School Info
World Language Department
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Brindley, Jamie* | jbrindl@srvusd.net |
Spanish 2
Publications (Yearbook)
Busboom, Torrey | tbusboom@srvusd.net |
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Im, Juyoung | jim@srvusd.net |
Korean 1
Korean 2
Kershaw, Miranda | mkershaw@srvusd.net |
French 1
French 2
French 4
AP French
Maclean, Ivette | imaclean@srvusd.net | Spanish 3 |
McKnight-Matney, Anna | amcknightmatney@srvusd.net | Spanish 2 |
Scott, Alana | ascott2@srvusd.net |
French 3
Smith, Amy | asmith@srvusd.net | Spanish 1 |
Tinetti, Scott | stinetti@srvusd.net |
Spanish 3
Spanish 4
AP Spanish
Wang, Winnie | wwang@srvusd.net |
Chinese 2
Chinese 3
Chinese 4
AP Chinese
Zhou, Changhong | czhang@srvusd.net |
Chinese 1
Chinese 2